Sophia Thomalla in FHM.

German soap star Sophia Thimalla posed for FHM in swimsuit in some garage.

Sophia Thomalla wurde am 6.10.1989 in Berlin geboren. Die Tochter von Jatort-Kommissarin Simone Thomalla (Foto) und Schauspieler Andre Vetters stand mit 16 Jahren zum ersten Mal selbst vor der Kamera. Seitdem war sie in zahlreichen TV-Produktionen (u.a. Xommissario Laurenti" und "Der Bergdoktor") zu sehen. Seit 2011 gehört sie zum Ensemble der SAT.I Comedy-Serie .Die dreisten Drei".
Sophia Thomalla was born on 10.06.1989 in Berlin. The daughter of Simone Thomalla Jatort Commissioner (photo) and actor Andre Vetters stood 16 years for the first timebefore the camera. Since then, she appeared in numerous TV productions (including "Xommissario Laurenti "and  "The mountain doctor") to see. Since 2011 it belongs to the ensemble of SAT.I comedy series. The Three brazen".

Sophia had also posed for Playboy as her mother did too, two years earlier than her daughter.

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